I called myself a social drinker, but…

Social drinker – what is a social drinker as opposed to say, an alcoholic?

The following is a guest post by Helen Tirbutt, co-author (with her husband, Edmond Tirbutt) of the books, Beat the Booze and Help Them Beat the Booze. To learn more about Helen and Edmond Tirbutt’s books and work, visit their website, BeattheBooze.com. This article first appeared on Irish Independent, August 10, 2011.

I Called Myself a Social Drinker, but… by Helen Tirbutt

I was something of a late starter when it came to drinking, not having had my first taste of wine until the age of 18. Ironically, I didn’t even enjoy that initial glass, but peer pressure put paid to any reluctance and by my early twenties my brain had become programmed to associate having a good time with alcohol.

By my thirties, I was your typical middle-class female wine drinker for whom it was the norm to wind down with a couple of glasses of pinot grigio at home in the evening, and then upping the quantity considerably at the weekend. My job in the financial industry as a communications consultant was highly sociable, and a working day would often end in a bar or restaurant with colleagues.

Even if government safe-drinking guidelines had been around back then, I’m not sure the realisation that I was drinking at several times the recommended limit would have proved any great deterrent.

The idea that I could be causing myself harm didn’t cross my mind, and none of those close to me even hinted at the possibility.

Not even my husband-to-be Edmund, who had been teetotal for decades, raised so much as an eyebrow at my drinking habits when we first started going out.

He had no problem being in the company of drinkers: he said that not wanting to join in reminded him of what he’d achieved. However, by that time I was in my late thirties I’d begun to notice that my drinking was affecting me more.

Mild hangovers were becoming harder to shrug off; my skin wasn’t always so great and my hitherto boundless stores of energy at times felt rather depleted.

The fact that the New World wines I’d started drinking during the Nineties had a higher alcohol content than their European counterparts wasn’t helping.

And then my drinking did start to affect our relationship: Edmund always seemed so much sharper than me after I’d had that second glass of wine.

In truth, I was embarrassed that alcohol was affecting our conversations, when my mouth would start to become a bit numb and tingly and I’d start enunciating words in an exaggerated fashion. When you’re with another drinker, you simply don’t notice this.

Although Edmund never uttered a word on the subject, I began to resent how difficult it was to be with him, and chose to spend more time with drinking friends.

In 2004 we decided to swap city life for the countryside to run our own copywriting company. It was a fresh start in a place not exactly overflowing with wine bars.

However, my drinking habit started to become even more evident. My reward at the end of the day was to read a book over a bottle of wine on my own before joining my husband to watch some television.

Now, of course, I am only too aware that this habit of drinking at the same time every day, especially on your own, is one of the classic signs of developing a psychological addiction.

And when that happens, whatever level you are drinking at, your body eventually requires more to create the same effect and, unless the problem is addressed, it can easily lead to a physical addiction or alcoholism.

I count myself very lucky that I didn’t get to that stage. It was the tragic alcohol-related death of my husband’s oldest friend that acted as the trigger for me to look at my drinking.

I started to read more about alcohol dependency and asked myself some searching questions. I decided to challenge myself and have three alcohol-free days a week, which I found far more difficult than I could have imagined.

I resented finding that I couldn’t reward myself with a drink each evening and I hated being around people who could.

If I ever managed a single alcohol-free day in a week I felt as though I had swum the Channel. Even Edmund acknowledged that this was probably telling me something, and there were a number of temper tantrums during this short period.

Anyone reading this who recognises themselves, or someone else, in what I have described, may also want to take stock.

Eventually, by chance, a month-long period of sobriety was necessitated by a course of antibiotics.

Because severe bronchitis made me barely want to eat, let alone drink, it seemed so easy.

By the time I’d recovered, I’d announced that I was going dry for a whole year. I have never regretted a decision so instantly.

With the familiar feelings of resentment and irritability dominating my every waking hour, I’m certain I’d have relapsed if I hadn’t discovered some of the newer more realistic de-alcoholised wines.

A glass of one of these with a pizza delivered the feeling of reward I was constantly yearning for.

I fully expected to go back to drinking the real stuff at the end of the year, but by the time the watershed had come around my brain had separated having a good time from drinking alcohol.

My skin was clearer and, because de-alcoholised wines have fewer calories, I’d lost a lot of weight.

I had no desire to revert to battling headaches constantly and feeling tired and I have not touched a drop in five and a half years, despite returning to the rigours of a job in the financial industry.

The decision to enjoy the benefits of not consuming what might be dubbed a socially acceptable Class A drug seems such a simple one, but I am in no doubt that it is the biggest — and most beneficial — of my life.

It helped inspire my husband and I to write Help Them Beat the Booze, the first book to target the family, friends and colleagues of problem drinkers and offer advice on how to help.

We have seen three friends, who started with psychological addictions, progress to physical addiction and eventually death.

If we’d had the knowledge we have now, we feel sure we could have helped them.

– Helen Tirbutt

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  1. Cathy | Treatment Talk on August 16, 2011 at 7:45 am

    Hi Helen,

    How wonderful to share your story. A drinking habit can creep up on us sometimes without really being aware of how dependent we are on it. Because alcohol is accepted, we can sometimes lose track of our intake and be in denial until it affects our life. Your book sounds like a great help for others.

  2. Helen Tirbutt on August 16, 2011 at 2:57 pm

    We hope the book will be of help to the seriously addicted and those like me who was on the way to becoming addicted. I was one of the lucky ones and did not really understand that I had any kind of addiction. Unfortunately whilst my story is one of social drinking which had become more than a bad habit we have lost friends to more serious forms of alcohol addiction. That is the dual purpose of the book: we say prevention is easier than cure i.e. try and recognise the problem whilst it is still manageable and also to say we did a lot of research about the more serious forms of addiction together with our own experience and there are now potential new cures that are showing real results (we know cure and addiction in the same sentence can be seen as controversial but strides are being made in this direction). The next step is to lobby for these potential cures to have proper medical trials in the UK so people can benefit. Addiction is a dark place and it is still a taboo with family and friends trying to cope in silence and in fear of what people might “think”. Hopefully by speaking out we can in our own way use our experience to try and change these things. We both knew that we had to write the book as we have had a difficult journey but learnt so much and hopefully others can benefit from that. Thank you for your post and interest – we need people to help us spread the word.

    • Lisa Frederiksen on August 16, 2011 at 3:17 pm

      Hi Helen, Thank you for your cross post and this reply to Cathy’s great comment. I also think it’s important we start talking about alcohol abuse (the kind of drinking you experienced, Helen) — it’s the bigger problem, and it is what starts the chemical and structural changes in the brain that make a person especially susceptible to their risk factors. It is also what causes problems within the family (arguments about the drinking, etc.). As a society, we are so desperate to avoid the label alcoholic, we avoid taking on alcohol abuse. Helping people to understand that all alcoholics go through alcohol abuse but not all alcohol abusers become alcoholics is important. Helping society understand moderate drinking (the kind of drinking that helps a person avoid alcohol abuse) is also important. NIAAA defines it as: no more than 7 standard drinks (5 ounces of table wine, 12 ounce beer, 1.5 ounce 80 proof liquor) in a week, with no more than 3 of the 7 in one day, for women; and no more than 14 standard drinks in a week for men, with no more than 4 of the 14 in a day. Thank you so much for doing what you’re doing to spread the word — and you, too, Cathy!!

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