Tough Love – Harmful or Helpful?
Tough love – does it hurt or help a person with an addiction to alcohol or other drugs, aka substance use disorder (SUD), get the help they need? I regularly get some form of this question – generally because there’s so much confusion about what it means. Unfortunately, there is no single definition of tough…
Read MoreUsing Brain Science to Change Your Mind
Brain science is a powerful tool one can use to change their thoughts, feelings or behaviors – seriously! For followers of my blog, you know my enthusiasm for one of the most profound discoveries I’ve learned which is how the brain wires, develops and maps. And it is this understanding that has helped me and…
Read MoreThe Craving Brain – Q & A with Author Dr Anderson Spickard
I was invited to read and review The Craving Brain: Science, Spirituality and the Road to Recovery recently. Unfortunately I am unable to do so at this time, but I was so intrigued by the title and book summary that I wanted to share a Q & A with one of the books co-authors, Dr. Anderson Spickard, Jr.…
Read MoreRelationship Killers: Anger | Resentment
Anger | resentment – both can be relationship killers explains today’s guest author, Darlene Lancer, JD, MFT. Darlene is the author of Codependency for Dummies and Conquering Shame and Codependency: 8 Steps to Freeing the True You, and her latest eBook is titled, Dealing with a Narcissist, 8 Steps to Raise Self-Esteem and Set Boundaries with Difficult People. She can…
Read MoreChildren of Alcoholics Awareness Week | February 2017
One in four children live in families with a parent addicted to alcohol, according to the National Association of Children of Alcoholics. Unless you have been a child in a home with untreated, unhealthily discussed alcohol misuse, it’s difficult to image what it’s like to be a child in such a home. Devastating. Scary. Shame-filled.…
Read MoreRelatable Stories of Addicts | Howard Goodman, MA LMFT
Often it is the stories of those who have struggled with a substance use disorder (aka addiction) that help a person either seek or sustain long term recovery. Today’s guest author, Howard P. Goodman, MA LMFT, shares relatable stories of those who struggle with these disorders. Goodman is a licensed psychotherapist and addiction specialist who…
Read More6 Signs Indicating You’ve Lost Control of Your Addiction
Sharing six signs indicating you have lost control of addiction is the topic of today’s guest post by Carl Towns. Carl writes: I’m a 28-year-old wanna-be writer; I am also a recovering addict in the path of self-discovery. My goal is to learn as many things as possible and to seize every single moment I…
Read MoreSecondhand Drinking | Substance Use Disorder – Chidimma Ozor With Lisa Frederiksen
I had the honor of being Chidimma Ozor | the TYPEAhippie’s guest for her first ChiCast podcast of 2017. The podcast topics were substance use disorder and secondhand drinking, which as readers know are topics near and dear to my heart. After an enthusiastic pre-interview conversation with Chidimma, in which we discovered our mutual passions…
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