Alcoholism Addiction Treatment Success Rates

Alcoholism addiction treatment success rates are the subject of this Infographic created by Patrick Meninga, founder of Spiritual Patrick is an Intake Specialist at a Drug Rehab in Michigan and has over 5 years of experience working directly with recovering addicts and alcoholics. He has been clean and sober for over a decade now…

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Drinking During Pregnancy – Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Drinking during pregnancy can result in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), which are a group – a spectrum – of conditions that can occur in a child whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. This spectrum ranges from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) to Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAEs) to Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND) to Alcohol-Related Birth Defects…

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Hate My Body

Hate my body | hate my hair | hate my flabby arms | hate my nose … how is it we get these messages so deeply embedded in our thoughts? How is it the headlines still scream for us to change some piece of our appearance for a better life? “Why is it that reporters…

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Difference Between Parenting and Codependency

Knowing the difference between parenting and codependency can be extremely difficult in families where one parent drinks too much. As the non-alcohol abusing parents digs in to wrest control of the behaviors exhibited by the drinking parent, they often engage in efforts to control, contain or manipulate those behaviors – not fully understanding that once…

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Recovering from Codependency | Darlene Lancer

Recovering from codependency – what does this mean? how is it done? who needs it? To answer these questions and more, please find the following guest post by Darlene Lancer, which she originally shared on her blog in a post, titled: “Transforming the Codependent Mind.”  Darlene is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and author…

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