The Brain Can Heal
The brain is an amazing organ. Not only does it control everything we think, feel, say and do, but it can heal if damaged by addiction, substance abuse, PTSD, stress, anxiety and the like. This interview is marvelous and shows how the brain can heal — even from things as serious as stroke. It is…
Read MoreThe Fourth Step – Taking Out the Trash
The fourth step of AA – Tim Cheney, co-founder of Chooper’s Guide, shares his thoughts. Tim’s thoughts on the first 3 steps of AA are linked below this post. The following is a guest post by Tim Cheney who has been in long-term recovery for over 30 years. He is the co-founder and managing partner…
Read MoreAlcohol Abuse and Alcoholism – Video Explanations
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism are not one in the same. One is a brain disease for which the first step in treatment and recovery is total abstinence forever, and the other is a drinking pattern that can potentially be changed. Sometimes a different media helps a person “hear” the same message differently than the way…
Read MoreAbout Letting Go…
Letting go, as the saying goes, is one of the most difficult things to do, I find. So I am always looking for suggestions on how to do this and recently read an interesting approach in Jack Kornfield’s latest book, Bringing Home the Dharma. Quoting from pages 80-81 of his book, Bringing Home the Dharma: …”1. When…
Read MorePost Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) – Does It Contribute to Relapse?
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) – what is it? Does it make staying sober difficult? The following is a guest post by Todd Branston who has been working in the field of addictions for over 27 years. He has worked within the inpatient and outpatient settings, as well as in the Department of Corrections and…
Read MoreScreening for Underage Drinking
Underage drinking — is a screening really necessary? And what could it tell you? 1 in 3 children starts drinking by the end of 8th grade … and of them, half report having been drunk. NIAAA This is the opening quote in the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s (NIAAA)’s recently released alcohol screening tool…
Read MoreRecovery App
A phone app to help with Recovery? Allyson Appen of Today’, an online site “providing inspiration and support, one day at a time,” shares their new app for iPhone and Android. As Allyson explains, “What separates it from all of the other recovery apps is that we have an integrative perspective with daily quotes, qigong (pronounced…
Read MoreDating: Are They Hiding an Addiction?
When you are dating someone – is possible their drinking or drug use is an addiction? How can you tell? The following is a guest post by Victoria Levine, an artist, poet, author and life coach. A loving mother of three, Victoria becomes most inspired when surrounded by nature. She is the author of Wolf In…
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