Prevention | Intervention
Stress at the Turn of the Century
I’ve written a lot about stress, especially stress related to addiction and secondhand drinking | drugging. And I’ve also emphasized that it’s “life” stressors that often trigger the use of alcohol or drugs or unhealthy coping skills to dampen the triggering emotions. Which brings me to the point to this post… Stress at the Turn…
Read MoreHarm Reduction – Can It Work?
There are various takes on harm reduction – both on what it means and on what success looks like. For the purposes of this post, I am referring to harm reduction in terms of changing one’s drinking pattern and/or stopping drinking all together before they develop the chronic, often relapsing brain disease of addiction (in…
Read MoreTeen Depression Rehab – How To Restore Your Life
Today’s guest post is by Robert Hunt who shares his views on teen depression rehab. Robert Hunt has devoted his life to helping others suffering from chemical addictions as well as mental health challenges and writes for Paradigm Malibu, a treatment facility for teens. He is a sober coach and wellness advocate and a prominent…
Read MoreStress and Addiction | Stress and Secondhand Drinking
Readers who follow this blog know how much I write about stress, stress and addiction | stress and secondhand drinking. It’s because of the way stress works in the brain, and it’s that which sets up the brain to adopt unhealthy coping patterns, such as substance misuse, which in turn can cause secondhand drinking, and for…
Read MoreHow Painkillers are Fueling Drug Addiction Among Teens
The following guest post on why and how painkillers are fueling drug addiction among teens is provided by Gordon Dickler. Gordon Dickler is the Admissions Coordinator for Turning Point, a residential drug treatment program for men that “utilizes phased integration to fuse primary treatments and independent living.” Gordon has helped hundreds of families navigate the difficult…
Read More10 Reasons a Person Develops an Unhealthy Drinking Pattern
One of the biggest stumbling block for people to get around is the notion of drinking as either “normal” or “alcoholic.” For those who struggle with their drinking, fear of the label, “alcoholic,” or disbelief of the “alcoholism is a disease” concept or simply not understanding what it takes to lose control of one’s drinking,…
Read MoreAddiction in Family Owned Businesses
Addiction in family owned businesses can wreck havoc far and wide, affecting employees, other family members, vendors, customers, advisory professionals and of course, the financial health of the business, itself. Today’s guest post by internationally recognized family business expert, Don Schwerzler, covers this topic. Don has been studying and advising family business entrepreneurs for more…
Read MoreBusiness Costs of Employee Off-Hours Drinking | Secondhand Drinking
Absenteeism, lost productivity, safety risks, health care costs, employee wellness – these are but a few of the business costs of employee off-hours drinking and secondhand drinking (SHD), that latter of which directly affects some 90 million Americans. And by “drinking,” I’m referring to the kind of drinking that results in drinking behaviors, such as…
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