Prevention | Intervention
April is Alcohol Awareness Month
Alcohol Awareness Month, held every April, was founded by and has been sponsored by NCADD (National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence) since 1987 to increase public awareness and understanding aimed at reducing the stigma that too often prevents individuals and families from seeking help. In 2012, NCADD celebrates the 26th Anniversary of Alcohol Awareness Month with the…
Read MoreUnderage Drinking – New eBook Offers Conversation Starters
Underage drinking – how do you talk about it with your teen and what should you say? According to The Partnership at, the MOST influential person in a child’s decision to drink (or use drugs) is their parent. “90% of addictions start in the teen years,” reports The Partnership. “Cut the risk in half…
Read MoreThe Brain Can Heal
The brain is an amazing organ. Not only does it control everything we think, feel, say and do, but it can heal if damaged by addiction, substance abuse, PTSD, stress, anxiety and the like. This interview is marvelous and shows how the brain can heal — even from things as serious as stroke. It is…
Read MoreAlcohol Abuse and Alcoholism – Video Explanations
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism are not one in the same. One is a brain disease for which the first step in treatment and recovery is total abstinence forever, and the other is a drinking pattern that can potentially be changed. Sometimes a different media helps a person “hear” the same message differently than the way…
Read MoreDating: Are They Hiding an Addiction?
When you are dating someone – is possible their drinking or drug use is an addiction? How can you tell? The following is a guest post by Victoria Levine, an artist, poet, author and life coach. A loving mother of three, Victoria becomes most inspired when surrounded by nature. She is the author of Wolf In…
Read MoreNIDA Simplifies Addiction Disease Concepts, Treatment & Recovery and Prevention
Addiction. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has done it again — created a fantastic, easy-to-understand product to explain addiction. This time, it’s a website. It’s called, “Easy-to-Read Drug Facts.” What is Addiction? Quoting from NIDA’s “Easy-to-Read Drug Facts’ “What is addiction page?:” When a drug user can’t stop taking a drug even…
Read MoreConsequences of Secondhand Drinking to One’s Health
The consequences of secondhand drinking to the health and quality of life for the person experiencing it can be hugely significant. Similar to the concept of secondhand smoke, secondhand drinking is the impacts on others of a person’s drinking behaviors (arguments, fights, violence, DUI, emotional abuse…). The following is one of the Appendices from my eBook,…
Read MoreAlcoholism is a Disease and It’s Not Alcohol Abuse
Alcoholism. I remember having a very difficult time wrapping my head around the idea that alcoholism was a disease. “What kind of disease could it possibly be given the alcoholic was “choosing” to drink?,” I would ask. This belief of mine caused me to go along with the hundreds of deals I made with one…
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