Prevention | Intervention
How Do You Know if Someone is an Alcoholic
I often get this question, “How do you know if someone is an alcoholic?” [aka “How do you know if someone has a severe alcohol use disorder?“] Generally, the person asking continues with something like, “I mean, my husband (or wife or sister or…) drinks about a six pack a night – more on the…
Read MoreWhat’s in That Drink? Why Standard Drink Size Matters
What’s in that drink? And why does it matter? The most visited post on my blog is Alcohol by Volume (ABV) and “Proof” Explained. It’s no wonder. People are desperate for information about drink sizes and what makes one drink more potent than another. They are desperate to figure out why their loved one, friend,…
Read MoreAlcohol-Induced Blackouts – Are They Real?
Alcohol-induced blackouts – seriously — they can’t remember what they did or said? How many times have you found yourself uttering incredulous gasps, “What do you mean you don’t remember?” or engaging in an argument with someone you care about because of something they said or did while they were drunk? Have you ever had…
Read MoreBrain Development and Substance Use
Brain development – the growth of the brain from the time we are in utero until we mature (early-to-mid 20s) – is one of the lesser-known factors that has a dramatic influence on how our brains wire and map. And this influence and the resulting brain wiring and mapping have a dramatic influence on how…
Read MoreUnderage Drinking Prevention
Underage drinking prevention is one of the most important things we can do as parents, caregivers, educators, and the community at large. Why? Because drinking (and other drug use) problems often begin in adolescence. According to The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, Studies show that the earlier an individual starts smoking, drinking or using other…
Read MoreWhat Can You Do if Your Loved One Drinks and Drives
What can you do if your loved one drinks and drives? This is one of the questions I often receive from readers and attendees at my presentations and is being answered by today’s guest author, Robert Hamparyan. Quoting from Robert’s bio, Robert Hamparyan is one of California’s most accomplished personal injury lawyers. After receiving his…
Read More10th Anniversary Edition “If You Loved Me, You’d Stop!” Now Available to Order
As you can imagine, I’m THRILLED to share the pre-sale link to my newly published “10th Anniversary Edition If You Loved Me, You’d Stop!” Click for Amazon’s pre-sale link: 10th Anniversary Edition If You Loved Me, You’d Stop! Research Highlights Shared in the 10th Anniversary Edition If You Loved Me, You’d Stop! why alcoholism is…
Read MoreSecondhand Drinking – Why We Must Prevent It
Secondhand Drinking has been in the news a lot lately. Below you’ll find a sampling of this news coverage: CNN The secondhand harms of drinking impact 1 in 5 adults, study says (CNN) About one-fifth of adults in the United States have experienced some form of harm due to someone else’s behavior while drinking. Science…
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