What’s in That Drink? Why Standard Drink Size Matters

What’s in that drink? And why does it matter? The most visited post on my blog is Alcohol by Volume (ABV) and “Proof” Explained.  It’s no wonder. People are desperate for information about drink sizes and what makes one drink more potent than another. They are desperate to figure out why their loved one, friend,…

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Someone’s Drinking Ruined the Holidays?

Someone’s drinking ruined the holidays? Perhaps you’re anticipating it will. “They’ve ruined just about every birthday, wedding, anniversary, Thanksgiving, graduation…need I go on? And yet they promise – PROMISE – this time it will be different. This time they’ll keep it to one or two or only drink beer or wine – ‘no hard stuff.’”…

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Why the Secondhand Drinking – Adverse Childhood Experiences Connection Matters

drinking more during Covid-19

Why is it so important to understand the secondhand drinking – adverse childhood experiences connection? Because experiencing secondhand drinking as a child most often results in adverse childhood experiences for that child. And experiencing adverse childhood experiences can result in toxic-stress related physical and emotional health consequences across one’s lifetime. Two of the outcomes of…

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BreakingTheCycles.com 10 Year Anniversary | Sharing Favorite Posts

BreakingTheCycles.com 10 year anniversary — its hard for me to believe it’s already been 10 years! I started BreakingTheCycles.com in 2008 to provide education, prevention and intervention information and services rooted in 21st Century brain science for a range of addiction-related concerns, including: substance abuse, mental illness, addiction* as a brain disease, secondhand drinking, toxic stress,…

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Finding Help for a Drinking Problem

Time and again, the calls, emails and blog post comments I receive are centered around the difficulty the person has experienced in finding help for a drinking problem, whether it’s their own or a loved one’s. And it is often this time of year, after a holiday season filled with work, social and family gatherings…

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What to Say to Someone Who Drinks Too Much

If you’re reading this post, likely you’ve been hurt, frustrated, concerned, angered, and/or scared by a loved one’s drinking. You’ve likely tried talking, yelling, cajoling, negotiating, looking the other way, believing their promise(s) to stop or cut down, but so far, nothing’s worked. I receive numerous emails and phone calls every week from people in this…

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Problematic Drinking and the Harm Reduction Debate

There’s a great deal of debate when it comes to answering the question, “Can a person with a drinking problem reduce how much they drink so it’s no longer a problem?” I was prompted to write this post after listening to Paul Staley’s perspective on KQED Radio’s April 3, 2015, “With a Perspective” program.  Participates on…

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