When Does Drinking Alcohol Become a Problem

When does drinking alcohol become a problem vs a night of fun or a complement to a lovely meal with friends? What can a person do to keep from crossing the line from “safely” drinking alcohol to abusing alcohol or developing alcoholism? Is there such a line – isn’t drinking either normal or alcoholic? You…

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When a Loved One Drinks Too Much

When a loved one drinks too much, the world can get pretty upside down.  The very thought that there are actually things we can do to feel better can be so difficult to hope for, let alone believe. This is especially the case if a person has been grappling with a loved one’s drinking behaviors…

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Alcohol Recovery Can Begin in a Classroom

Alcohol Recovery – sometimes the process is easier to start when a person has a better understanding of what it is and what’s involved. The following is a guest post by Mike Miller who is an educator specializing in drug and alcohol classes for both adults and minors. A recovering alcoholic, Mike left his work…

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Secondhand Drinking is Not About Prohibition

Secondhand drinking was the topic of my recent lecture with Stanford Medical students. During discussion, one student questioned using the term Secondhand Drinking – a term meant to invoke thoughts similar to those we have when we hear the term, Secondhand Smoke. In the case of secondhand smoke, the effort was to stop smoking to…

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Preventing Secondhand Drinking Is Not About Prohibition

Secondhand drinking is term to describe the impacts on the person who is on the receiving end of another person’s drinking behaviors. Drinking behaviors include: drunken arguments crazy, convoluted accusations verbal, physical or emotional abuse driving while impaired, riding in a car with an impaired driver unprotected, unwanted, unplanned sex, sexual assault blackouts. We rarely…

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Alcohol Abuse Going On in the Family? – If Only My Doctor Had Asked

Alcohol Abuse is a drinking pattern that causes Secondhand Drinking (SHD). Secondhand Drinking is term to describe the impacts on the person who is on the receiving end of another person’s drinking behaviors. Drinking behaviors include: drunken arguments crazy, convoluted accusations physical fights verbal, physical or emotional abuse neglect driving while impaired, riding in a…

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