Is it alcoholism? – How can you tell?

Fear of the labels, alcoholism and alcoholic, often keeps people from looking at their drinking patterns. Yet more often than not, the real problem is alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse can lead to alcoholism, but in and of itself, it is not alcoholism. Here’s information that can help. There’s a common belief that drinking is either…

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Alcohol-Induced Memory Blackouts Explained

Blackouts. Alcohol-induced memory blackouts. You may have heard one or both terms, but what do they mean? As an example, if you’ve ever found yourself in a bizarre argument with something who’s been drinking heavily or been on the receiving end of their behaviors too hurtful to rationalize and then felt even more betrayed the…

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Alcohol Abuse Prevention – SAMHSA’s Celebration

Today celebrates Alcohol Abuse Prevention as part of SAMHSA’s National Prevention Week. National Prevention Week is new annual health observance supported by SAMHSA that celebrates the work that community organizations and individuals do year-round to prevent substance abuse and promote mental, emotional, and behavioral well-being. Alcohol Abuse Prevention Resources Here are three resources to help you…

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Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism – Video Explanations

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism are not one in the same. One is a brain disease for which the first step in treatment and recovery is total abstinence forever, and the other is a drinking pattern that can potentially be changed. Sometimes a different media helps a person “hear” the same message differently than the way…

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Alcoholism is a Disease and It’s Not Alcohol Abuse

Alcoholism. I remember having a very difficult time wrapping my head around the idea that alcoholism was a disease. “What kind of disease could it possibly be given the alcoholic was “choosing” to drink?,” I would ask. This belief of mine caused me to go along with the hundreds of deals I made with one…

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Worried a Loved One’s Drinking May Be Alcoholism? Here’s Information on Treating the Disease

Worried a Loved One’s Drinking may be alcoholism? Is there a difference between alcohol abuse and alcoholism? Can alcoholism successfully be treated? Information on Treating the Disease for Those Worried a Loved One’s Drinking May be Alcoholism Thanks to late 20th and 21st century brain and addiction-related research findings, it is now understood that alcoholism…

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Energy Drinks + Alcohol = ???

Energy drinks + alcohol – what’s the big deal? To answer that, please read the following guest post by Bill White, a licensed counselor and the founder and producer of chipur, a website and blog to help those with emotional and mental health disorders, as well as family members, significant others, friends, health care professionals,…

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