Choosing Not To Drink

Choosing not to drink can be difficult – not because a person necessarily has trouble not drinking, but rather it’s because of the prodding, probing questions of peers, friends and family, such as: “Why aren’t you drinking?” “Come on, just have a beer.” “Let me pour you a glass of wine – one can’t hurt…

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Raising the Bottom – Helping a Loved One Seek Recovery

Raising the bottom – it’s true – we don’t have to let a person “hit bottom.” There are healthy ways we can intervene to help a loved one raise their bottom. Why is this important? Addiction is a developmental disease and the earlier its progression is interrupted, the better. Raising the Bottom – Helping a…

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Secondhand Drinking – Understand, Treat and/or Prevent It and We Can Reduce Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism and Underage Drinking

Secondhand Drinking is caused by another person’s drinking behaviors. If we understand the causes of drinking behaviors, we can prevent secondhand drinking. And, if we prevent secondhand drinking, we can reduce underage drinking, alcohol abuse and alcoholism. How? First is to Understand Drinking Behaviors These are the behaviors that a person exhibits when they drink…

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9 Reasons a Person Can Lose Control of Drinking

Lose control of drinking – what does this mean and how does it happen? What does it mean to lose control of drinking? Losing control of one’s drinking results in drinking behaviors like those listed below. These kinds of drinking behaviors occur when a person drinks more alcohol (which contains ethyl alcohol chemicals that change…

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Our Elastic Standards of Drinking

This is a guest post from The Discovering Alcoholic, who writes a top rated recovery blog,, covering alcoholism, substance abuse, treatment and recovery issues. Just one couldn’t hurt… but I’ve only had two… maybe one more please, to cap the night off. As an alcoholic, I always found a reason to have one more…

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Dual Diagnosis – Explanation & Treatment

Dual Diagnosis – what is it and how is it treated? or can it be treated? One of the repeated concerns I hear when giving my presentations is the lack of satisfactory treatment for a dual diagnosis, which occurs when a person is diagnosed with both a mental illness (PTSD, Anxiety, Bipolar, ADHD, schizophrenia) and…

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