SPECT Scans Showing Impact of Alcohol Abuse on the Brain

This post was originally published in 2009. A lot has changed since then, so I’m sharing the link to the Amen Clinics’ (the providers of the SPECT Scans I originally used in this post) website section, “Drugs and Alcohol Addictions.” There you will find examples of their scans and information on how/why they do them…

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Alcohol Abuse is the Bigger Problem

There’s a range of drinking patterns – use, abuse, dependence (alcoholism) – and it’s alcohol abuse that is the biggest problem. Following the various articles and blogs that contain my google keywords: drunk driving, alcohol, underage drinking, alcohol abuse, alcohol research, alcohol and the brain, codependency, etc., brings me so may tragic stories of what…

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Powerless Over Alcohol

Powerless over alcohol … For those who are not familiar with 12-step programs (such as AA or AlAnon), the first step is to admit you are powerless over alcohol. I recall reading and hearing this and thinking “they” were nuts. How could anyone be powerless over alcohol? And, how could a person who is not…

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Why You Can’t Change the Way an Alcoholic Thinks

Why You Can’t Change the Way an Alcoholic Thinks has a lot to do with understanding the “wishful thinking” that goes on as the result of the brain changes caused by alcohol abuse and the brain disease of alcoholism / addiction.  Understanding this can help those who love an alcoholic or someone who drinks too…

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Rethinking Drinking

Rethinking drinking is an important concept to talk about. Why? Because we often think of drinking as either normal or alcoholic, yet there is a middle stage stage not fully understand, and it’s alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse is what causes the chemical and structural changes in the brain that in turn make a person more…

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So What is a Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis – what is it? One of the terms I’ve frequently heard in the various “recovery” circles I’ve encountered over the past five years is “dual diagnosis.” People would talk of their loved one or themselves as having a “dual diagnosis.” I was curious what that was about and learned that a person who…

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