A Different Kind of Conversation About Underage Drinking

Broaching the topic of underage drinking with your teen — now that’s a conversation stopper! It’s that time of year — graduating high school seniors off to college in the fall, 19 year old college students home for the summer, and parents concerned about how to talk to them about drinking at this stage of the…

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How Can Parents Help Teens Decide Not to Drink?

How can parents help teens decide not to drink? And should they – shouldn’t they be “teaching” their teens to drink? These are common questions among parents (and teens, for that matter). There’s an underlying perception that “all teens drink” or “I [parent] drank and am fine, so what’s the big deal?” Reasons to Help…

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Teen Brain Development and Alcohol

Teen brain development and alcohol – believe it or not – alcohol does not work the same way in the teen brain as it does in the brain of an adult. Why? A picture is worth a thousand words, and I thought the following images may help readers better understand the impact of alcohol (or…

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