Courage to Change for Recovery’s Sake

courage to change for recovery's sake

Courage to change for recovery’s sake. “What do you mean?,” you might ask. Followed by, “I have courage, and I’ve tried just about everything I know to do to change things. How in the heck do you think I’ve lasted this long in a marriage with an alcoholic?” (or some similar close relationship: parent, brother,…

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Darlene Lancer on Accepting What We Cannot Change

Darlene Lancer on Shame

Darlene Lancer, author of Codependency for Dummies, shares her thoughts on accepting what we cannot change… One of the early authors on codependency, Psychiatrist Timmen Cermak, believes that codependents and addicts “control their lives by sheer force of will.” It makes sense that the first step of Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, and Codependents Anonymous addresses control.…

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Courage to Change the Things I Can

Lisa Frederiksen shares her thoughts on the Serenity Prayer

COURAGE to change the things I can. This is the 2nd line of the Serenity prayer. Unfortunately, for decades, I interpreted “courage” to mean having the guts, the drive, the stick-to-it-ness to keep at it until I got the things not in keeping with how I felt they should be – changed. As you can…

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